Thursday 6 March 2014

Sardinian Amaretti (English version)

SARDINIAN AMARETTI  (English version)
500gr  sweet almonds (crushed finely, looking like flour)

150gr  bitter almonds (crushed finely, looking like flour)
700gr  sugar
6  eggs (unbeaten)
2  lemon zests (finely gratd)
Put into a large bowl, the crushed almonds, sugar and grated lemon zest.
Mix together very well.
Then start to add egg white, one egg at a time, mixing aal the way. (At the end the mixture should be soft and looking lake a dough looks, it should be not too soft or hard but in between, and good enough to make small round balls big like a walnut).  Let this soft mixture sit for 20 minutes.
After this time you can start.
First you get a small bowl with warm water and wet your hands with little water (as the dough will stick to the hands if you don't wet them) take the mixture and start to make round balls, the size of a wallnut.
Place the balls on a baking tray with BAKING PAPER; put the balls a distance from one another as they will grow as they cook.
Cook for 15-20 minutes at 160-170 degrees, till golden brown
Then take the tray out of the oven, pickup the baking paper with the biscits on them and put on a cooling rack.
Let them cool down well, then take the biscuits off the paper very gentle.
While the first lot of biscuits are cooling down, you can put new baking paper on the tray, make new round balls on the tray and put them in the oven. 
Don't let the biscuits go  to brown as this will change taste, if they are cook to much.
Depending on the oven, check that the biscuits are golden brown. (If they go dark too quickly: turn the heat on the oven down to 150-160 degrees). 

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